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Grounded in Prayer
Rooted in Scripture

At Moss Bluff UMC, we believe the Bible is the Living Word of God, with pages full of the love, grace, mercy, hope, and justice of God.  We don't beat people over the head with the Bible; rather, we invite people to hear God's voice in the holy and sacred text.  Our pastor doesn't preach personal opinions but constantly teaches Scripture and grounds the message in God's Word.

Moss Bluff UMC takes seriously Jesus' words that the "Father's house shall be a place of prayer."  Nothing happens at our church without prayer, and if you ask for prayer, please know your requests are prayed for daily.

We know life is hard and even overwhelming at times.  However, we worship a Living God who, in Jesus, has conquered sin and death.  Further, we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal, restore, and make all things new!  Thus, our worship is a reminder of the hope we have in the loving and powerful arms of Almighty God!


We believe worship is a powerful experience with the Living God and when we gather to worship, we see lives touched each and every week.  Worship is a place where we meet God and experience the Risen Christ in our midst!  It's also a place where the Holy Spirit can bring the changes we all need to make in our lives.  Do you need a change of direction in your life?  If so, come walk a new life with Jesus!

Full of Hope
Invitation to New Life

Traditional worship-9:00 am; Contemporary worship-11:00 am


Worship is a vital way for people to experience the love and grace of God.  We place a premium on worship, believing God is worthy of our worship and that when we worship God, our lives, homes, communities, and the whole world is transformed!

Church office:  (337)-855-6241

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