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You are always welcome!


What do I wear?
When you come to worship, feel free to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.  For a few of our members that means wearing a jacket and slacks or a nice dress, but for most of our members it means wearing casual clothes. Your favorite pair of blue jeans or dockers will do just fine, and don’t worry about your tattoo showing.....we believe God looks at the heart, and loves us as we are!

Where do I enter the church?
The best way to enter the church is through the glass door on the west side under the drive through portico.

Where are the nursery, the bathrooms, and the coffee bar?
After entering the church, the nursery is down the hallway to the left.  Our nursery is newly renovated, has trained nursery workers, and features closed circuit, safety cameras.  The bathrooms are down the hallway to the right, and the coffee bar is at the end of the hallway to the left.

What are the people like at the Moss Bluff United Methodist Church?
The people of the Moss Bluff United Methodist Church are a diverse group of people who come from Moss Bluff, Westlake, Gillis, Longville, LeBleu Settlement, Kinder, Iowa, Sulphur and Lake Charles. We come from different socio-economic backgrounds and are politically diverse. We span all the generations with a significant number of people coming from every age and stage of life. We come from a variety of faith backgrounds including but not limited to Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and no faith background at all.  We have a lot of fans of the LSU Tigers & the McNeese Cowboys, but we also have quite a few alumni and fans from a variety of other places from around the country. We have hunters and fisherman, and we have those who don’t do either.  We are a diverse church, but we have one thing in common, our faith in Jesus Christ. There are three words that describe what we are like: welcoming, loving, and serving.

What is the 9:00 Traditional service like?
On Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. is our Traditional worship service. Each week between 70 – 90 people attend. The music consists mostly of traditional hymns along with some gospel music. The music is primarily led by our pianist and choir, and on occasion includes gospel music.  The service has an intimate feel, and utilizes projected media, and features liturgy, creeds, and monthly celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

What is the 11:00 Contemporary service like?
On Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. is our Cross & Flame worship service. Each week between 80 – 120 people attend. The music is led by our praise team, and features a lot of the music you would hear on KLOV or Air One Radio, music like Third Day, Chris Tomlin, Lincoln Brewster, the Newsboys, Jeremy Camp, Mercy Me, David Crowder, and Hillsong.  The service utilizes projected media, and features monthly celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

What are the pastor’s sermons like?
Our pastor, John Robert Black, has been preaching for several years, and is highly energetic!  He usually preaches a 4 – 6 week series on a topic or theme. John Robert is a Bible teacher, routinely finds creative ways to make the message of the scriptures easy to understand, and likes to share humorous stories. He also finds ways to make the message of faith practical and relevant for daily living. When you come to worship you can expect to laugh, be inspired, and find hope in troubled times.

Can I participate in the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion?
YES!!!!  At the Moss Bluff United Methodist Church we have an open table. You do not have to be a member of our church or a Methodist to participate.

Are kids and teens welcome?
ABSOLUTELY!!!  There are a ton of kids around here!  In fact, our altar is often full of kids at the children's moment.  We have Sunday School for all ages, a super-clean nursery, and loving adults who lead lessons, games, and crafts.  Please know ALL children and youth workers are "Safe Sanctuary" certified to ensure your child is safe and protected.


How do I become a member of the Moss Bluff United Methodist Church?
By becoming a member, you are making a commitment of faith to follow Jesus Christ as a part of our church community. By becoming a member, you are giving our church and our pastor the responsibility of caring for and looking after you in your faith journey. Becoming a member involves your Christian baptism and your response to the following questions of faith:

  1. Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of the world, and repent of your sin? Yes.

  2. Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression? Yes.

  3. Do you confess Jesus Christ as Savior, put your whole trust in his grace and promise to serve him as your Lord? Yes.

  4. Will you remain a faithful member of Christ’s holy church and serve as Christ’s representatives in the world? Yes.

  5. Will you be loyal to Christ through the United Methodist Church and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries? Yes.

  6. Will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your witness, & your service? Yes.

  7. Do you receive and profess the Christian faith as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? Yes.

If you have questions or are interested in becoming a member, contact our pastor, John Robert Black, at or (318)-560-7857.

Church office:  (337)-855-6241

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